Legends:Conjuration Tutor

Conjuration Tutor
Creature (Breton)
LG-card-Conjuration Tutor.png
Deck code IDdw
Card SetLG-icon-Promotional.png Monthly Card
Magicka CostLG-icon-Magicka.png6
AttributeIntelligence Intelligence
PowerPower 3HealthHealth 3
RarityEpic Epic
Summon: Shuffle three Lava Atronachs into your deck.
When you summon an Atronach, summon a copy of it in the other lane.

Conjuration Tutor is an epic Intelligence creature card.


Conjuration Tutor was the monthly card for June 2017. It can be soul-summoned by anybody regardless of participation in ranked. As with all other monthly cards before February 2019, the premium version was not awarded to anybody and must be obtained through soul-summoning.


When summoned:

“A Conjuration mage never stands alone.”

When attacking:

“Let’s begin the lesson!”


When summoned: “My friend would like a word with them.”
When attacking: (?)

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